The Kanagawa Arts Theatre, also known as KAAT, is a performing arts center located in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. The theater hosts a variety of performances including theater productions, dance performances, and concerts. The official website for KAAT is available at
Ticket prices for performances at KAAT vary depending on the show and seating area. It is recommended to check the website or contact the box office for more information on pricing and availability.
As for nearby attractions, the Yokohama Museum of Art and the Red Brick Warehouse are both popular destinations in the area. The Yokohama Museum of Art features a collection of Japanese and Western art, while the Red Brick Warehouse is a shopping complex with restaurants and stores. Both attractions are open from 10am to 6pm, with the Yokohama Museum of Art closed on Thursdays.
Overall, KAAT is a must-see destination for performing arts enthusiasts visiting the Kanagawa Prefecture.
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